On Wednesday, Delhi's Air Quality Index dropped into the "very poor" category - signalling to residents about increasing levels of pollution in Delhi and severity to hazardous categories, with an index surpassing 400. This serves as a warning about pollution levels rising within its borders.
Improve the air quality index indoors through lifestyle choices that lead to improved indoor air quality. Your daily habits may have an impactful influence on this aspect.
Dr. Sanggita Checker from Wockhardt Hospitals shared in an interview with HT Lifestyle that certain habits, like smoking indoors, can create poor air quality which leads to various health concerns and increases your risk of illness, affecting both daily routine and physical wellbeing. By recognising and eliminating these bad habits you can improve indoor air quality while creating a clean and healthy environment, resulting in both improved mental and physical wellbeing.
Your daily habits could be negatively impacting the AQI without you even realizing it, without even realizing. Smoking indoors not only harms your health, but can also negatively alter indoor air quality by emitting toxic smoke into the environment and contributing to particle and chemical pollution - thus increasing exposure to low AQI. Quit smoking to preserve both your health and air quality!
2. While checking the Air Quality Index may seem redundant, you should still monitor it. There are various apps and websites dedicated to AQI that you can use in your area to track it; bring a mask with you for protection if the AQI on that day drops low; otherwise it might be wiser to reschedule or move your event altogether.
3. Air purifiers have become a necessity due to increasing pollution. Unfortunately, indoor air quality doesn't always surpass outdoor quality if there's construction nearby or highway traffic noise; air purifiers provide an effective solution to improve indoor air quality while decreasing exposure to pollutants.
4. Personal Vehicles: While owning a car or bicycle may bring many luxuries, remember that personal vehicles contribute significantly to air pollution and poor air quality. Public transit may offer better options when traveling around - cutting emissions significantly!
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